Comet Ping Pong patrons chase off conspiracy theorist picketers by blasting RuPaul, dancing

Comet Ping Pong in Chevy Chase was reportedly once again the target of conspiracy theorists’ ire earlier this week.

This time, however, patrons of the restaurant chased off the picketers by blasting Lady Gaga and dancing in front of the pizzeria, according to the Washingtonian.

Comet Ping Pong has been a popular destination for right-wing conspiracy theorists ever since a 2016 when a then-28-year-old North Carolina man marched into the pizzeria and fired an assault style rifle, announcing that he was "self-investigating" an alleged pedophile ring.

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Edgar Maddison Welch was prompted by an online conspiracy theory that identified the pizzeria as part of a child trafficking ring presided over by significant figures in the Democratic Party, such as Hillary Clinton.

The conspiracy theory alleges that the ring is run out of the pizzeria’s basement. Famously, Comet Ping Pong does not have a basement.

READ MORE: California man charged in Comet Ping Pong pizza arson

In 2019, the pizzeria was once again a magnet for crime when a California man tried to set it on fire.

On Tuesday night, about 20 protesters who reportedly were associated with the far-right, fundamentalist website Official Street Preachers gathered outside the pizzeria.

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One protester told the Washingtonian that they were demonstrating against "Pedophilia. They serve up little boys on pizza over there."

In response, however, patrons of the pizzeria used the opportunity to drown out the protesters bullhorn by blasting RuPaul and Lady Gaga, and dancing in the street.

According to the Washingtonian, the counter-protesters ultimately outnumbered the activists, and surrounded them.

Eventually, the protesters returned to their van and left the scene.

Additional details are available on the the Washington's website.

Chevy ChasePoliticsNewsHillary Clinton