Cat rescued after reportedly thrown from vehicle onto I-95 in Baltimore’s Fort McHenry Tunnel

A cat was rescued after reportedly being thrown out of a vehicle onto Interstate 95 inside Baltimore's Fort McHenry Tunnel Sunday night.

The Baltimore Animal Rescue and Care Shelter said the Maryland Transportation Authority temporarily shut the tunnel down allowing police and animal control crews to capture the cat they named Hilton.

"Poor little Hilton, as we named him, was terrified. Cars zooming past, horns honking, drivers swerving to avoid hitting him as he had nowhere to run to safety," BARCS said on a post online.

Hilton (BARCS)

Officials said Hilton has some abrasions on his face and paw pads, but is otherwise healthy. "While this little buddy had quite the terrifying adventure to come into our care, he is now safely here at the shelter where our medical team has carefully examined him."

BARCS said Hilton will be monitored closely over the next several days as he heals.

"We don't know what happened in Hilton's past leading up to the tunnel, but we are grateful that he has now found safety at BARCS," they said.

You can donate to Hilton and other pets in need online.