Brevard Zoo releases rescued, rehabilitated turtle back into wild after it consumed plastic

A turtle, named Humbug, was released back into the Sebastian Inlet by the Brevard Zoo.

The loggerhead sea turtle was brought into their Healing Center on Dec. 14, 2016, after she was found floating around plastic and garbage, with much of it in her stomach.

"This turtle came to us right before the holidays, so we named her 'Humbug.' She was kind of a grumpy turtle and seemed like she was not very happy," said Melanie Stadler, the Zoo's sea turtle program coordinator. "Shortly after Humbug arrived, she started passing pieces of plastic bag in her feces.

Humbug was treated with antibiotics, fluids, nutritious food, and she received ample rest before her release on Thursday.

Stadler encourages people to "reduce, reuse and recycle," when it comes to plastic products and to be mindful of how these items can impact aquatic life.

Learn more about the Brevard Zoo here.
