Bookmakers place odds on anonymous Trump official who wrote New York Times op-ed

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Who is the anonymous senior official in the Trump administration who wrote the New York Times opinion piece attacking President Donald Trump? According to some oddsmakers, Vice President Mike Pence and Attorney General Jeff Sessions are two of their favorites.

As of Thursday night, gambling site MyBookie placed Pence as a 2-to-3 odds favorite while Secretary of Education Betsy Devos came in behind him at 2-to-1. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and White House Chief of Staff John Kelly were placed with 4-to-1 odds. Here's the rest of their list:

- James Mattis - Secretary of Defense- 5-to-1
- Jeff Sessions - Attorney General - 5-to-1
- Ryan Zinke - Secretary of the Interior - 6-to-1
- Sonny Perdue - Secretary of Agriculture - 6-to-1
- Wilbur Ross - Secretary of Commerce - 7-to-1
- Alex Acosta - Secretary of Labor - 7-to-1
- Alex Azar - Secretary of Health and Human Services - 8-to-1
- Ben Carson - Secretary of Housing and Urban Development - 8-to-1
- Robert Wilkie - Secretary of Veterans Affairs - 8-to-1
- Kirstjen Nielsen - Secretary of Homeland Security - 10-to-1
- Ivanka Trump - 12-to-1
- Jared Kushner - Trump Senior Advisor - 12-to-1
- Stephen Miller - White House Senior Advisor - 15-to-1
- Field - 1-to-3

According to Bovada, Sessions was their favorite at 11-to-4 odds as of Thursday night. Sessions was followed by Pence at 7-to-2 and Kelly at 9-to-2 odds. Here are the rest of Bovada's contenders:

- Dan Coats - Director of National Intelligence - 5-to-1
- James Mattis - Secretary of Defense - 6-to-1
- Nikki Haley - United States Ambassador to the United Nations - 10-to-1
- Kellyanne Conway -White House Counselor - 15-to-1
- Don McGahn - White House Counsel - 15-to-1
- "Javanka" (Jared Kushner/Ivanka Trump) - 20-to-1
- President Donald Trump - 25-to-1
- First lady Melania Trump - 50-to-1

Many of Trump's top officials in his administration on Thursday have denied being the author of the op-ed, which included Pence, Pompeo, Coats and other Cabinet members.