Biden, Trump preparing to face off in first debate

With the first presidential debate set for Thursday night, President Joe Biden has been at Camp David near Thurmont, Maryland all week preparing.

At the same time, former President Donald Trump has been taking a less structured approach. 

But the big question is: will Americans be watching? According to a new poll, the answer is yes. 

An AP-NORC poll found that 6 in 10 adults say they are "extremely" or "very" likely to watch the Biden/Trump debate live Thursday night. 

That sets the stage for millions of Americans watching all or part of a debate that is coming unusually early in a campaign, that still has 131 days until the election.

Politics is a spectator sport in D.C., so local bars like Mission, Shaw's Tavern, Union Pub, Red Derby, Midlands and Busboys & Poets are all hosting debate watch parties. 

RELATED: Presidential debate drink specials and watch parties in DC

FOX 5 asked some D.C. residents what issues they want to hear the candidates address. 

"I’d like to hear what they’re going to do for the country and the people in the country to make our lives better," one person told FOX 5.

Some said the economy, schools, health care and public safety. But people were split on whether debates really matter in the age of social media.

"I don’t know if they matter anymore but coming from the old school, I love to watch them! I love to see the two people go head-to-head and I want to see it ‘intelligence-wise.’ That’s the thing we’re missing now," one voter said.

"I don’t want to tune in and watch with these two people one of whom is going to be our next president I just don’t think it will be substantive," said another. 

Keep in mind that while both candidates have won the delegates they need to be nominated, neither President Joe Biden or former President Donald Trump are officially their parties nominees yet.