Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School teachers rally amid security concerns

Sources tell FOX 5 Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School teachers were expected to protest outside the Montgomery County High School on Tuesday morning amid security concerns. 

Some told FOX 5 the demonstration is in support of B-CC Principal Dr. Shelton Mooney, who is facing calls from some parents to either be terminated or resign after multiple serious incidents involving the school. 

Teachers rally to address safety concerns at B-CC High School

Others tell FOX 5, the effort, billed as a "Celebrate B-CC," involves teachers welcoming the students in groups — and in school spirit wear -- to show of solidarity as teachers call on MCPS' to let their voices be heard amid security concerns. 

There's been several serious incidents at B-CC High School over the years, including two recent incidents that forced lockdowns at the school within a week of the other. 

READ MORE: Bethesda-Chevy Chase student charged after bringing Airsoft gun to school: police

The area's councilmember led a March 4th safety meeting, where FOX 5 reported at the time, some of the solutions included ending open policies on campus. The Superintendent also discussed his request to hire 52 new security guards, which would not be added until the next school year, if the Montgomery Council approves the budget request. 

The Montgomery County Education Association is the teacher's union for Montgomery County. A MCEA Building Representative and teacher, Michael Arden, told FOX 5 Tuesday morning, "What we really wanted to make sure was that Montgomery County Public Schools was responding to the experiences that staff and students here at the building had had, to learn from the experiences we had had and the initial cause of our staff's concern was feeling as though our voices were not being heard. That decisions were being made, or conclusions being drawn before we had the chance to weigh in as people with the firsthand experience."

READ MORE: Two arrested after fight, gunfire near Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School

Staff push for tailored lockdown policies and stronger communication

Arden told FOX 5 over the last week, teachers sent over 100 letters to MCPS leaderships, asking them to listen to their experiences and best practices — and that MCPS sent people out to do just that. 

Whether any changes from this will come to B-CC is still not known. 

Arden told FOX 5 one of the concerns raised was in regard to B-CC having multiple different building structures built over time and how the lockdown policy needs to be specific to each building, instead of one general lockdown policy for the entire school. 

He also mentioned staff being directly invited to and being able to speak at meetings like the last March 4th B-CC Safety Meeting as something that could help make a difference in the future. 

READ MORE: Montgomery County parents petition for metal detectors in schools after gun incidents

The Source: FOX 5 DC

NewsEducationCrime in the DMVBethesdaMontgomery County