Austin man and dog survive car crashes

For more than 10 years, Manny Guzman and his 10-year-old dog, O.G., have been inseparable.

"I got him in Glendale, Arizona when he was six weeks old." Guzman said, "Some people came up to me and asked if I wanted him because they were taking him to the pound. I said I would take him and I've had him ever since. He's always been with me."

O.G. was with Manny and his wife, Rosa, on Tuesday when they were involved in a car crash at the intersection of Barton Springs and Riverside Drive. O.G. managed to get out of the car and ran off. Despite sustaining multiple injuries to his head, ribs, and leg, Manny went looking for him. Fearing the worst.

"I thought I was going to find him dead, "he said.

Manny found O.G. just a few minutes later, lying in the middle of the road after he had been hit by a car.

"I just grabbed him and was telling him that I was sorry that this had happened to him," Guzman said.

Austin Fire Fighters found Manny, carrying O.G., and offered to help. They took O.G. to a nearby vet where he was treated for his injuries.

"The dog had pretty good lacerations on it's head. (He was) bleeding quite a bit," Lt. Jim Baker, of the Austin Fire Department, said.

What first responders didn't know, is they saved more than this man's best friend.

"I'm glad he's not dead or else I would have died." Guzman said, "I mean I don't have any friends or anything, he's my friend. that's why we're so close. He's my friend, he's my buddy, he's my brother, he's everything to me."

Thanks to the quick work of Austin Fire Fighters and a local vet, O.G. is back at Manny's side. Both of whom are thankful to those that gave them another chance to be together again.

"I'm grateful to everyone that was there to help him, to help us. Especially Engine 1 and Lt. Baker," Guzman said.

Read Austin Firefighters help hurt dog after car accident

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