Angela Alsobrooks wins Maryland Senate Democratic primary

Prince George's County Executive Angela Alsobrooks won the Democratic primary for U.S. Senate on Tuesday, defeating Rep. David Trone, and setting up a battle to retain the party’s majority in the Senate in November’s general election.

Alsobrooks is a lifelong Prince Georgian and former State's Attorney for the County. Her primary victory on Tuesday has set up a general election contest against Republican former Gov. Larry Hogan. The winner will succeed retiring Sen. Ben Cardin. It's a seat neither party wants to lose.

The primary contest against Trone was a battle that touched on gender, a massive spending disparity, education, and abortion rights.

Alsobrooks is working to become Maryland's first Black U.S. Senator and one of only a few Black women to serve in the upper branch of Congress.

READ MORE: Larry Hogan wins Republican Senate primary in Maryland; GOP aims to flip Democratic-held seat

She became chief executive of Maryland's second-largest jurisdiction with the state's largest number of registered Democrats in 2018. During the campaign she had been endorsed by many of the state's top officials, including Gov. Wes Moore, Sen. Chris Van Hollen, Rep. Steny Hoyer and a long list of state lawmakers.

Trone, who is in his third term as a congressman, put more than $61 million of his own money into his primary bid. The congressman owns a national chain of liquor stores called Total Wine & More.


Alsobrooks pulls slightly ahead of Trone as Maryland Democratic Senate primary nears: poll

With just four days left until Maryland’s Democratic Senate primary, there’s a new poll out that is shaking things up.

In March, he apologized for what he said was the inadvertent use of a racial slur during a budget hearing.

"So this Republican jigaboo that — it's the tax rate that's stopping business investment, it's just completely faulty by people who have never run a business," he said at the hearing. "They've never been there. They don't have a clue what they're talking about." The congressman made the comment while saying corporate tax rates didn't influence how he conducted business.

"While attempting to use the word ‘bugaboo' in a hearing, I used a phrase that is offensive," he said in a written apology. "That word has a long dark terrible history. It should never be used any time, anywhere, in any conversation. I recognize that as a white man, I have privilege. And as an elected official, I have a responsibility for the words I use — especially in the heat of the moment. Regardless of what I meant to say, I shouldn't have used that language."

Earlier this month, Trone was caught on camera exploding in anger at FOX 5's Tom Fitzgerald after the reporter asked about his social media posts on police, and the criminal justice system.

In a three-post thread on "X", Trone wrote that the justice system in Maryland is "racist" and that "increased police presence doesn't make everyone feel safe."

His campaign wouldn't make him available to elaborate on the posts, so Fitzgerald tried to speak with him at B'nai Israel Congregation in Rockville – and that's when the congressman let loose with a tirade of anger.

"And shame on FOX," Trone continued. "FOX needs to do, step up, and do real journalism, and you didn't do it there. You were shilling for Larry Hogan. So keep shilling for Larry Hogan. If you want to do that – feel free to shill."


Maryland Rep. David Trone explodes in anger at FOX 5 when asked about his social media posts

Maryland Democratic Senate candidate David Trone exploded in anger aimed at FOX 5’s Tom Fitzgerald earlier this week.

At one point during the rant, he accused Fitzgerald of not reading his entire post, saying "No, you didn't. You didn't. You're just making it up."

"I can tell you that what we need, not only to win this primary election, but especially what we need to win the general election, is a person who can build a coalition. That means bringing together people," Alsobrooks told FOX 5 in response to Trone's outburst. "And it matters, your temperament matters, how you talk to people matters, all of this matters. And it is the reasons why, I believe, after $57-million dollars, you don't see first of all, a single pole that shows Mr. Trone ahead of Hogan."

The general election will be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

The Associated Press contributed to this report