LOS ANGELES, CA - When was the last time you had a vacation? We're betting it's been a while. A new survey from creditcards.com found that only 44% of Americans will get away this summer. It's not just that employers aren't required to offer paid vacation- we're workaholics. According to the U.S. Travel Association, we typically forfeit 429 million days of paid vacation each year, even though the benefits of taking a break have been proven time and again.
We strongly encourage you to book a ticket and unplug. If the allure of carefree days amid inspiring architecture, exotic food, and sandy beaches can't unchain you from your desk- at least join us in marveling at Europe's breathtaking...worker vacation policies!
In Sweden, France, and Denmark employers guarantee a minimum of 25 paid vacation days a year. Five weeks paid vacation. And everyone takes it! No worrying or vacation shaming. In Lithuania, workers can get up to 58 days. In Spain there are 14 public holidays- the most in the European Union. France has banned work emails after 6 pm and Sweden is experimenting with a 30 hour work week.
So say adios to your boss, hop a flight across the Atlantic, enjoy yourself for a week and then try to resist the temptation to stay for good.