Alexandria residents to protest Capitals, Wizards relocation over transit worries

The Capitals and Wizards are planning a move to Potomac Yard in Alexandria, but the plan to get fans there is being met with mixed reactions.

The announcement took the DMV by storm, and it’s a huge project that comes with some major traffic concerns.

Now, FOX 5 is hearing from several people on how transit could be impacted.

Talks to move the Washington Capitals and Wizards from Capital One Arena in D.C. to Potomac Yard in Alexandria at the forefront of 2024.


Potomac Yard arena plan would create 30,000 jobs, according to impact report

An impact analysis for the planned development of Potomac Yard found that the creation of an entertainment district would create nearly 30,000 permanent jobs and generate 2.5 times the economic output.

In one of his first interviews of the new year, Alexandria Mayor Justin Wilson joined FOX 5 Wednesday morning to discuss the move.

"This is a major economic development initiative for us," he said. "This is something we’ve been laying the groundwork for a long time to come."

Still, top of mind for many is how the area will handle traffic with only the Parkway and Route One being the primary routes in and out of the city.

Mayor Wilson says not much parking will be offered at the new arena.

He says just 2,500 spots will be available in the most up-to-date plan.


'We're shutting it down:' DC activists plan protest against Capitals, Wizards move to Virginia

The battle is brewing over the Washington Capitals and Wizards possibly moving to Alexandria, Virginia, as a long-time D.C. activist now calls for protests and a boycott.

They’re discouraging fans from driving to games, making it imperative fans take Metro. 

"Just like Capital One is today, many of the folks arrive there by transit. We’re going to do the same thing here," Mayor Wilson said. 

"We’re really going to be making sure that Metro, the bus rapid transit system, and other transit that will be enhanced in the future are the way that people get to these uses."

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A rendering showing the newly proposed entertainment district in Alexandria's Potomac Yard that features an arena for both the Washington Capitals and Washington Wizards, and the global business headquarters for Monumental Sports & Entertainment (JBG SMITH)

Metro says Potomac Yard is one of the least used metro stations, and it was a potential location to close amid an ongoing budget shortfall.

As to where that stands now, Metro held a meeting last month regarding the announcement.

"If it all moves forward we’re going to obviously have to do tight coordination with the larger development,"  said Randy Clarke, general manager of WMATA. "The station itself serves two lines clearly would need some sort of modification to handle an event of that nature."

Folks who live nearby spoke to FOX 5 Wednesday evening about the issue.

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ALEXANDRIA, VA, MAY 19: The new Potomac Yard  VT Station in Alexandria, VA, May 19, opened today. The Potomac Yard Station is Alexandria's 5th Metrorail station, and WMATA's 98th rail station. (Astrid Riecken For The Washington Post via Getty Images)

"If it’s going to come, the Potomac Yard has to stay open. For sure there is no arena without the Potomac Yard [metro station]," said Jonathan Haynes of Alexandria.

"You’re going to have to get the buy-in of a lot of Alexandrians. I mean people in this area like to drive and especially like to drive into the city," added Justin Kerekes.

There is a protest planned for Thursday at the Potomac Yard Metro Station.

Those who oppose the arena plan to speak about the project’s impact on the community of Alexandria and the Commonwealth.

Washington CapitalsWashington WizardsVirginiaAlexandria