5 things to know about planning a stress-free Thanksgiving

Whether you're cooking or hosting or just hanging out with family - there are things you can do to take the stress out of Thanksgiving!

Cyndy Bragg, The Whoopie Queen, says to follow these five tips to create an attitude of gratitude:

1. GET CROCKED - instead of putting your hand up a dead bird's butt to cook the stuffing, make the stuffing in a crock pot.

2. STUFF IT - Frig not big enough to store all the yummy food? You can store applies, cranberries, potatoes in a dry space like the trunk of the car.

3. SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE - While some people create a menu and shopping list a month ahead, I think they're freaks! Here's the List that Will Save Your Marriage - write down all things that is involved to get everything together that needs to be done.

4. PLAY WITH YOUR FOOD - Create Gratitude Rolls DEMO. Write on a piece of paper with food marker what you are grateful for. Roll the dough around the paper. Bake. Popping Fresh Gratitude.

5. HAVE FUN - Play with videos on Jib Jabs, Thanksgiving Playlist that's rocking.

Check out more great ideas form Cyndy here: http://www.cyndybragg.com/

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