32 arrested in DC climate change demonstrations
Climate activists impact commute in DC
Climate change protests shut down several major intersections in the District Monday.
WASHINGTON - Police say 32 activists have been arrested amidst the climate change protests dotting the District on Monday morning.
They say the activists who were arrested were at a New York Avenue demonstration.
The protests created traffic havoc throughout the morning as the activists shut down access to a number of areas, including Dupont Circle.
D.C. police are on the scene at Dupont Circle, and in other locations - that area has since been re-opened.
At 16th Street and K Street, Northwest, police needed to deploy cutting instruments to remove parts of a boat planted at the intersection that protesters fastened themselves to.
The Coalition to Shut Down D.C. says it is organizing demonstrations, and some of the expected locations included Farragut Square, Columbus Circle, Hancock Park, and Folger Park.
The Maryland Transit Association’s website says commuters could see delays on certain MARC trains.
Climate-change activists plan to shut down DC streets
Authorities in the D.C. area are warning commuters that a climate protest planned for today may create traffic hassles for drivers.
D.C. police say the most significant impact could be seen during the AM and PM commutes.
They’ve suggested that commuters use public transportation if possible.
Most groups are planning to kick off their blockades at 7 a.m. – and some at 7:30 a.m.
Demonstration organizers told FOX 5 that the length of time the protesters remain in place will depend on the police response.
D.C. police are providing updates via Twitter.
Demonstrations expected to create traffic problems in DC
Authorities in the D.C. area are warning commuters that a climate protest planned for today may create traffic hassles for drivers.