DETROIT (WJBK) - The Michigan Humane Society is pursuing charges against a man they say dragged a 3-month old puppy by the leash in Detroit because it refused to walk while on the leash.
The MHS posted the story on their website Tuesday about the 3-month-old mastiff mix named Elmer. According to the MHS, the man was found dragging the young puppy by the leash near 8 Mile and Berg in Detroit.
A witness called the Humane Society on July 15 and told them the puppy was being dragged and leaving a trail of blood on the street.
When the MHS Cruelty Investigation Department, they found the puppy and thought he was dead. They said he was lethargic and didn't want food or water.
Fortunately, the young puppy was alive but terrified.
As MHS investigated, another person who was there said the dog had never been on a leash before and they had just gotten the dog. However, once leashed up, the dog refused to walk. A witness said the solution was to force the dog by dragging it down the street.
"Elmer is just a puppy and didn't know yet how to properly walk on a leash," said Dave McLeod, MHS Cruelty Investigator. "This type of abuse is not acceptable anywhere."
The owner surrendered the dog to MHS who found severe abrasions on his belly, legs, shoulders, and face. MHS took the puppy into custoy and he was getting care from a Detroit veteranarian.
The MHS said Elmer had given up fighting the owners and was letting them drag him.
"Given that this was an intentional act that could have easily been prevented, we will be submitting charges to the Wayne County Prosecutor," said Elise Ramsey, MHS Cruelty Investigator. "The puppy had severe abrasions under his belly, on all four legs, and even on his shoulders and face."
Learn more about Elmer's story in the video below or CLICK HERE.
Once Elmer is healed, he will be put up for adoption.