2019 expected to be record breaking spending for back-to-school shopping, parents in Virginia not surprised

If you can believe it, some kids in the Washington D.C Metropolitan area will be back in school in less than two weeks. Culpeper and Spotsylvania County Schools start back up on Aug. 12.

FULL LIST of Qualifying School Supplies and Clothing

As kids get ready to head back to school, one thing on the minds of parents is how to get the best deal on back to school supplies.

Virginia is having its tax free weekend from Aug. 2 through Aug.4.

But first FOX 5 wanted to compare prices from what consumers paid a few years ago to now, especially when there’s much more competition from online retailers.

We picked a third grade list from Long Branch Elementary in Alexandria and shopped for school items at both Staples.com and Amazon.com.

For 26 items including #2 pencils, crayons, markers and notebook paper, the total at Staples.com came to $172.77 and on Amazon the same list spit out a grand total of $94.64 where consumers can buy items in bulk.

Ten years ago, we reported that the average family with K through 12 students expected to spend $550, according to a National Retail Federation survey.

But the federation reports that 2019 is expected to be a record year for back to school spending, where parents plan to spend an average of $696.70 per child. 

Elementary school kids will still cost the least, with highschool kids nearing the top of the estimates.

Parents in Maryland can shop tax free week starting Aug. 11. Washington D.C repealed its tax-free law in 2010 to avoid the loss of sales tax revenues.
