Virginia teacher discovers $1.5M lottery win one stoplight at a time
What are the odds you win the lottery?
What are the odds you win the lottery? You're more likely to be struck by lightning.
A Virginia woman realized she had become a millionaire while driving through traffic and checking her lottery ticket. She didn't find out all at once. Instead, she realized she had won the jackpot after a series of stoplights.
Lisa Eichinger of Haymarket said she was in her car, stopped at the stoplight, when she pulled out her Cash 5 with EZ Match ticket to check the winning numbers.
She had time to check one number before the light turned green. She realized that the number had matched.
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She repeated the process at the next stoplight.

Eventually, after checking numbers one stoplight at a time, she learned that she had matched all five winning numbers and won the $1,505,299 jackpot.
"I’m still in shock!" she told Lottery officials as she redeemed her winning ticket. "I feel like I’m dreaming! I’m just letting it sink in."
The store she bought the ticket from received a $10,000 bonus for selling the winning ticket.
Eichinger, who works as a teacher, said she has no immediate plans for her winnings.